In the unlikely event that you have found your way to this page and happen to be someone subscribed to my newsletter - this is for you!!
Also if you have sent me an e mail and received no reply, this is for you too!
I'm really sorry for my lack of communication. This has purely been down to a terrible 4-5 weeks of service from my broadband supplier - tiscali. This has dragged on and on seemingly without any urgency to get it fixed. I hope to have this resolved asap.
Everything seems to be firing on all cylinders otherwise. Classes are still popular and packed. I'm busier than ever with personal training (http://www.everydayathletes.co.uk/), and the 3rd round of bootcamps has just started well (http://www.sussexbootcamps.co.uk/).
If you have dropped out of the loop for any reason, had your fitness habit interrupted, or just want to get started - let me know how i can best help you
I am truly here to help, and if you are serious and committed, i believe i offer some of the best health and fitness resources available.
Choose from group classes, personal training, and bootcamps to get you where you need to be. I'm located in and around Haywards Heath and Burgess Hill.
Whatever you do, choose something and take action, action and more action!
Even after over 10 years of being a fitness professional, i still like to learn more every day and keep up to date. I recently enjoyed attending the Fit Pro conference in Loughbrough, where i somehow ended up joining in with a ketllebell demonstration - fame at last! Much of the rest of the time was spent learning from the best people in the industry from around the world.
I also completed my Advanced Kettlebell Instructor training in March.
I just mention these to say that i'm committed to getting the best results for my clients in the safest and most effective ways possible.
More soon......
Friday, April 25, 2008
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