Sunday, January 18, 2009

It's 11.14pm on Sunday night!!

And what am i still doing up and on my computer?

Well there is not long to go now until our charity health and fitness event on Tue night at Central Sussex College in Haywards Heath.

I've been up working on some final bits and pieces to make sure everything goes as well as possible.

You have to know what this is all for and what i'm going to be talking about.

Why do you have to know? Because it's all about YOU! Your health, your fitness, and making 2009 the best it can be.

If you have got your health and fitness sorted then it's far easier to raise your game in all the other areas of your life.

If you wait until your fitness and especially your health suffers, well, you can pretty much guarantee that everything else is also going to be affected for the worse.

Don't let this happen!

All the speakers on the night will be giving you as much valuable information and inspiration as possible, to take what you are already doing to the next level or get you started in the most effective ways.

The second reason for the event is to raise money for St Peters and St James Hospice.

I hope you can see what a great evening this is shaping up to be.

Come and make a difference to yourself, and a local charity.

We are filling up fast so register now at

Oh, and i'll be talking about the 5 keys to transorming your body in record time. I'll be sharing what i've learned as a personal trainer and fitness professional for over 11 years.

Join me and the other speakers;

Jo Bareham
Christian Bates
Pete Cohen

for a fun night and a chance to win some great prizes!

We want to help you make a difference!

Steve Cork

Friday, January 9, 2009

Sussex Charity Health And Fitness Evening!

I've got BIG NEWS -- a major announcement to share with

But first, I want to take a moment to say something
very important -- something I may not say often


I feel fortunate to have you as a subscriber and in
many cases client and I really appreciate your interest
and business during 2008.

We work hard at being the best Fitness Professionals
and being the best fitness resource in Sussex, but we
realize we're not the only choice. This is why we're very
appreciative of your loyalty and grateful for the opportunity
to continue helping you however we can.

So again, thanks!

Now...on to the BIG NEWS!

And this is really BIG - in fact you will probably be
reading about it in the newspaper, possibly hearing
something about it on the radio.

Here's the scoop:

I have teamed up with three other highly respected
Sussex health, fitness and nutrition
professionals to host THE event of the New Year.

It's a 2-hour extravaganza called...

"How To Make 2009 Your Healthiest and Best Year Ever!"

The focus of the entire event is YOU, your body, your
appearance and your health - because without your
health, what do you really have?

And the focus will be on THE most important aspects of
you health - the strategies and techniques that
radically and rapidly improve your quality of life.

This special event will also help raise much needed
funds for St Peters and St James Hospice.

Plus, you'll have an opportunity to win some of the
£1,000 in prizes we'll be giving away at the event.
Wait until you see what we have in store for you!

You can get the entire story by clicking the link below
- or copy and paste it into your browser window:

We are putting on this event for three reasons:

1. We want to give back to the wonderful Sussex
community that supports our businesses.

2. We want to challenge Sussex residents to make 2009
your best year ever, and

3. We want to raise money for a very worthy charitable

In the spirit of the season, we are not charging
anything for you to attend How To Make 2009 Your Best
Year Ever! - all we suggest is that you make a donation to
St Peters and St James Hospice.

So you can help yourself and help others at the same

In my book, that's a BIG WINNER. I hope you agree.

Go to our website right now to get all the details
about "How To Make 2009 Your Best Year Ever!"

Just click the link below or copy and paste it into
your browser window:

I look forward to seeing you there.


Ben Davis and Steve Cork
Sussex Bootcamps

P.S. This is a rare opportunity to learn all the inside
secrets from Sussex's most respected and in-demand
health, fitness, and nutrition experts. The event is
perfect for men and women of all
ages. I encourage you to tell your family and friends
about "How To Make 2009 Your Best Year Ever" by forwarding
them this email. They are welcome to attend also - and they'll
certainly thank you for sharing the good news with them.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Embrace The Challenge!


Here is something you need to do in order to take things to the next level - or even just easily sustain your efforts.

Find a challenge, maybe something you have never done before, not done for a long time, or something familiar but with a twist!

It's great if you are motivated purely by keeping fit, being active and the feeling that comes with this.

Many people however are not!

This is where you want to get specific on some fitness or activity challenges.

Competing at a sport or in an event is one great way to focus your efforts. And don't put this off until some distant date, you'll probably learn far more and meet some great people by jumping in at the deep end and going for sooner rather than later.

Have fun with it! Don't insist on perfection or being the best just have a blast!

If you track your numbers - probably most easily done with weights or numbers on some kind of fitness machine, you have a great way to compete against yourself, or workout partners.

If you don't want to restrict this to something local, get online and find some places where you can post your workouts - enter into some friendly competition this way.

There are gym challenges, concept 2 indoor rowing events, outdoor events etc, etc.

I'm all for competing against yourself but sometimes it's good to check in with what others can do.

This can be a massive wake up call, and can be great for re-setting your beliefs for what is possible. Hopefully at some point you will get some reassurance that you're doing pretty well in at least some areas.

I sometimes use types of challenge in classes or bootcamps - usually of the variety of a set of exercises and seeing how much can be done in a given time.

One challenge i'll be having another crack at shortly will be the 100 burpees as fast as possible. It's been quite a while since i first did this, and this time i'll beat my old time (i hope) and video it for your pleasure!


Steve Cork
P.S. New Bootcamp starts Mon 5th Jan - hear we go again, it's going to be a great year!