Friday, December 3, 2010

Inspiring Year!

It's been a while - i wonder how many blogs find themselves starting out with those lines or something similar all too frequently!

With Sussex Bootcamps doing fantastic things this year i mentioned not being able to update as often on here.

So with the snow outside at the moment i thought i'd take a few minutes to do a brief update.

I see a big part of my job being to deliver inspiration. In order to do this i have to take the time to stay inspired myself.

For me this comes from a number of sources, especially reading, learning and attending courses.

I've invested in quite a few course this year and i've enjoyed the regular exposure to some fantastic teachers and trainers.

After 'using' kettlebells on and off for years, it's been great to finally learn more about the competition style of lifting and apply this to my own training. Along with this we've started to teach kettlebell classes -

Personally, i've had a great mix of training over the past few months - integrating some gymnastic strength, kettlebell training, olympic lifts and heavy basic lifts.

We are looking to finish the year by giving something back! We have a charity week of bootcamp on December the 13th, 15th and 17th. People simply need to bring a food donation which we will pass on to local homeless charities. Come and find out why we are the best bootcamp in the area!

You can register for your limited place at

Hope you have a fit and fantastic festive season! Look forward to an even more awesome 2011.

Here's another link to the frequently updated Sussex Bootcamps blog

Steve Cork