Saturday, June 28, 2008

Going Through a Hard Time? - Keep Fit!

Life has its ups and downs obviously.

I count myself lucky to have experienced far more ups and relatively few downs.

However on those occasional down times, i have felt so grateful that i already enjoy the habit of fitness.

Any frustrations or pent up emotions are both physically and mentally released during exercise.

It is a natural part of our coping mechanism.

In difficult times, physical activity becomes more vital - not less.

With this regular 'renewal', we are then more effective thorough out the rest of the day, and should experience better sleep and energy levels too.

I cannot imagine going through a time of stress without a level of regular activity to look after myself. You can feel like an entirely new person for a relatively small investment in time and effort.

Of course, daily life also consists of smaller stressors, that can also add up without regular exercise.

I've felt it myself, and i've seen it in personal training clients. Some people get into a rough patch and they drop their sessions all together. Others realise they are vital.

People on Bootcamps and doing fitness classes can also enjoy a level of social support

The successful (and i'd bet happier) people are those who one way or another maintain the priority for some level of physical activity in their lives.

I'd recommend you do the same.

A stressful time is probably not the best time to try and start to exercise - although it is certainly better than not doing so.

The point is - if at all possible - cultivate your habit of regular exercise long before you may find yourself relying on it.

One thing that prompted me to write about this, was being told about the SOS (Starting Over Show), as a possible place to promote our fitness bootcamps.

This is going on in Brighton in October, and specifically aimed at people 'starting over' after divorce i believe.

I'm not sure if Sussex Bootcamps will be there, but it got me thinking about what we might be able to do for people.

All the Best,

Steve Cork

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