Thursday, December 11, 2008

Feels Good To Lift Something Heavy Again!!

A while back i changed my training around which left me missing out on what had been some regular lifts for me.

Then i got a bit of the lurgee that is going around at the moment, and had a bit of a shoulder issue - all of which left me without some solid weight training for a few weeks too many!

Sorted this out a few days ago. I got back to some deadlifts which i enjoyed - and worked up to 156kg for 3 reps.

Next day i got some front squats - 3 sets of 8 reps at 66kg (some work to do here!), and mixed in some heavy single arm resistance band rows and presses.

Last night i got to throw some bombs in boxercise!

All of which feels gooood!!

Hope you have got some things that challenge you and most importantly get you feeling good for that challenge.




Admin said...

Right on Steve!

Nothing beats a great workout!


Anonymous said...

It always feels gr8 to be in the thick of heavy physical workout
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