(Not a great shot - playing with a KB circuit before the class!)
That's right - this has been a few years in the making!
Just one of those things we haven't got around to doing until now. We've been playing around with Kettlebells for quite a few years now along with introducing them into our Personal Training sessions and some of the earlier Bootcamp sessions too.
We always intended to have more of a dedicated class to really let the participants explore the benefits of adding kettlebells in to their training programme a little more fully than just doing a few sets of swings now and again.
Remember, a kettlebell is a tool - it doesn't do anything magic by itself. Like any other tool it's all about how you use it, how you integrate it into your programme and learning correct technique in the first place.
There are a variety of approaches to using kettlebells out there and we can draw benefits from most of them depending on our goals and situation.
To many people, learning how to be stable and strong while moving a weight around will be a new experience. Some people really have to re-educate their major muscle groups to do the work they should be doing to safely and athletically move the kettlebell.
It's in learning how to integrate the legs, hips, and 'core' efficiently that many of the benefits of using kettlebells are realised. Your ability to move is improved, along with your ability to use your whole body and therefore burn a load of calories.
Many people will improve pretty much every fitness quality. Kettlebells do lend themselves to being great for improving strength endurance and tend to be great for shifting body fat!
We are currently offering sessions on Tuesday nights at Whitemans Green in Cuckfield near Haywards Heath. These are currently fully subscribed but we will be adding more times soon.
An induction must be attended before regular sessions can be joined.
Please e mail info@sussexbootcamps.co.uk to register your interest.
Steve Cork
When I first started training in a rough and ready local gym about 25 years ago there was a pile kettle bells garthering dust in the corner. No one went near them. I have since wondered what happen to them. Worth a small fortune now eh!
Stay Well Stay Happy
Exactly John!
They have been around eh!
Have you played with them since?
It's great to see a blog of this quality. I learned a lot of new things and I'm looking forward to see more like this. Thank you.
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