Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Inspiration! Who Are You Surrounding Yourself With?

So much to write - so little time!

I attended one of the most inspiring fitness 'events' as a fitness professional of over 11 yrs. Back in February i made the journey to Louisville, Kentucky to attend the IYCA summit.

I've been to quite a lot of conventions and courses over the years, but this one by the International Youth Conditioning Association had something truly special about it.

The speakers were absolutely amazing and i'd go as far as to call the event life changing! Yes i learned loads about the best ways of helping children and teenagers, and i learned from some of the best in the industry. But it takes a lot to get me to travel so far. I wanted to meet the people who had inspired me from afar and bring back some of the magic that they seem to live their lives with!

I believe we should seek the influence and contact with people who inspire us in our daily lives also. Thankfully, with the internet we have the ability to do just that.

With the internet though, it's almost too easy. Who are you surrounding yourself with face to face, who do you spend time with? Do your friends / family / colleagues support your desires and efforts to make the most of yourself - or do your efforts make them uncomfortable? Do you then get inspired and cheered on and have examples to aspire to? Or are you reminded of the barriers, the way things 'really are' and encouraged to live firmly within your comfort zone?

So yes, buy the books and visit the web sites of those who inspire you. Then use that to create positive environment in your life - both people and place!

We do everything we can to create such a positive environment for people on our Fitness Bootcamps. The groups really seem to work well together with a bit of structure from ourselves.

We aim to provide the right mix of support, inspiration, education, and accountability that can truly make the difference.

I'll be implementing what i learned about youth fitness training over the coming months.

For the best fitness bootcamps and personal training in Sussex, come and get inspired at

Steve Cork

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