That's right we're stepping up to the demand from our Bootcampers and offering an extra week with a difference!
We weren't sure how to run it, we could be having an extra week off! We could be busy promoting our January Bootcamps, our charity events etc. So instead of that we've decided to offer the week of the 14th Dec for free!
People just have to register to reserve their free place and then donate some food that we can then pass on to the Emmaus Homeless charity in Brighton.
We've only just started to tell our current bootcampers about this and the response is very positive so far.
I'm sure it's easy to have mixed feelings about the homeless. Sometimes you hear people saying they have brought it on themselves or are being lazy etc.
Maybe this is true for some of the people who find themselves in this position, but i'd guess there are many who are there through no real fault of their own, who haven't been able to cope, who have had society turn it's back on them.
What we're talking about is other human beings who probably crave some of the things we take for granted at this time of year - friends, family, food and shelter from the winter weather.
If we can do a little bit to give back to those who find themselves worse of at Christmas then i think we should take that opportunity. After all there is generally so much excess and waste going on elsewhere.
So here it is - the last chance to make a difference to your fitness in 2009 and get a head start on any new years resolutions.
Reserve your place here
We're excited to offer some turkey busting workouts!
Steve Cork
P.S. Our new venue for Bootcamps is Trading Boundaries at Sheffield Park. We start in January and we're ready to help you make 2010 your healthiest and best year ever!
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