I was enjoying a final week of a 12 week training programme last week. It was a good variety of whole body movements, but loaded pretty heavy (for me at least).
I've always enjoyed this sense of challenge where you are literally stepping up to the bar - and hopefully raising it!
It's all there in black and white - the numbers that have been done before. The inner conversation, the rallying cries shouting out any doubts, bringing emotion to the cause.
There can be beautiful moments of heightened aliveness and really zoning in on just the task at hand.
And at times there are the defeats that can seem crushing for a short while, but soon enough i look forward to testing myself again and simply offering the best i have. It's all i can ask of myself. The best i have on this day, engaging with the sense of effort, giving it my all.
If i can do that, then deep down i know i've succeeded, i've not hidden from the challenge, i've not settled for warmth, comfort, television, hot tea and sweet chocolate! Not for that hour anyway!
I'm stronger for trying, for embracing my strength ritual.
I shared with a friend that i felt a certain fear in the final week. I had already done 2 weeks of similar work, established some bench marks and targets, and knew deep down the effort required to produce them. That final week is my chance to at least match the previous weeks efforts and hopefully exceed them.
It's usually possible to realise an improvement on something, and i think it's important to attempt to do so. But this won't happen by going through the motions. You need to get stuck in - mentally and physically.
Engage with the effort, look it in the eye, feel the joy and the emotion of using your body the way it was meant to be used - again and again and again.....
Is it time you brought your inner athlete out to play?
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