Thursday, August 21, 2008

Stats To Make You Think About Your Fitness Training!

I gave a short presentation yesterday morning to a group of local business people in Haywards Heath.

The focus was to let them know about my Bootcamps, what they are, who does them and why people do them. Also i showed some of our great testimonials and some sample exercises, explaining why they can be more effective and intelligent choices.

I'm usually very positively focussed when it comes to why exercise and what the benefits are etc.

On this occasion i decided to read out some not so pleasant statistics, hopefully to provide a bit of a carrot and stick to get people to take action.

I think it is worth considering the impact your health and fitness (or lack of it) has and will have in the future on your family life, professional life, and the costs to society as a whole.

A couple of interesting statistics that jumped out at me were:

The World Health Organisation in 2004 attributed 22% of coronary heart disease being due to lack of physical activity.

Energy intake has been estimated to have dropped 20% between 1974 and 2004!

The second stat there indicates to me how important a role physical activity plays and the issue of what we are eating and when.

To your health, fitness, and longevity!


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