Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Challenging Your Fitness?

How do you measure your fitness? It could be just where you are at right now or measuring how much you have progressed.

Whether you realise it or not, i promise you this relates to your results!

You can certainly get an idea of how you are doing based on how you feel and what you are able to do. Other people may comment also.

How about coming up with a challenge to give you something to measure your fitness against? There are many ways you can do this depending on what is meaningful for your to measure.

This could be how long it takes you to complete a certain number of a particular movement or combination of movements. How many times you can move a particular weight, how heavy you can lift, how fast you can cover a distance etc etc.

Every month we issue a challenge to our Bootcampers to test a slightly different aspect of their fitness, and it's great to witness the efforts and see the improvements when we re-test at the end.

Most people seem to enjoy taking on the challenge and competing with themselves (or maybe against others but that's not what we emphasise)! It's simply a chance to raise the bar a little and focus efforts in a particular area.

Not everyone enjoys competing, even just with themselves so there really is no pressure. It's much like the challenge of turning up each day and completing the regular session, just with a number attached.

Personally, every training session is a challenge - i strive to improve on something, because those small consistent improvements add up to great results.

Some people shake their heads when they hear us reading out the challenge but nearly everyone surprises themselves with what they can do.

We've got a massive age range of people completing the challenges every month, age and fitness level are no barrier.

We're looking forward to witnessing the progress when we re-test in 2 weeks. If you want to enjoy the same sense of satisfaction, improvements in your fitness, fat loss, and muscle tone, join us for the last Bootcamp of the year, starting Nov 16th.

We'd love to see you there.

Best Wishes,


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