Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Alignment with your values = easier results!

Following on from my last post, i've been thinking a lot about why some people find it easy to eat healthy and others struggle. This applies equally to your approach to exercise or anything else you might want to do.

I need to start with the assumption that your version of eating healthy is at least similar to mine! For example eating in a way that gives your body enough protein and fat to be satisfied and having your hormones working for you vs screaming to be fed more sugar beacause you're still on the high carb low fat rollercoaster!

Now, when it comes to a successful approach to eating i think you have to start asking yourself some big questions.

Things like who you are, what you want and why you really even care at all about being fit and healthy? Why really?

Keep digging around until you are face to face with what is truly important.

Now ask yourself the question if eating in a way that gives you the optimum physique, abundant energy and freedom from lifstyle disease is in alignment with what you discovered above.

The more you can realise this connection and make that alignment very strong, the less struggle and the more ease you will have around the whole area.

The more eating within certain guidelines is just part of who you are, the less stress and less decisions you need to make. If 90% of the time certain choices are just off your radar or not on your menu! - then the whole thing just got so much easier.

As i mentioned at the beginning, you want to be aligning your values with a correct approach to eating, otherwise you could just make any wacky celebrity diet easier to stick to!

A 'paleo' type diet is a great approach that nourishes our body in the way it needs to be fed based on our evolution.

Once your physiology is on your side, your mental game should be that much easier.

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