Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Clarity = Great Physical Results!

"Get clear on what you want" - you hear it all the time - set those goals specifically!

How about getting a little deeper and before you even worry about what you might decide would be amazing for you, ask yourself WHY? - and get as much clarity on why you are interested in creating some change. Why it's important, powerful and motivating? Why it's aligned with who you really are - or at least a big part of you?

When you get clear on your why - then you hav a pretty purposeful direction for yourself. Feel free to attach some specific goals to this also - they can be fun and provide some extra focus. But you would also be free to change direction or even fail to hit the goal and would have had a great time getting there - because you were still in touch with your WHY!

I often think people do this completely backwards. For example they hear a friend is doing a marathon, and they see lots of people out running and so they decide to run - even though they hate it and haven't prepared their body in any way for the physical stressors involved. Great recipe for giving up, injuries, and frustration!

Running here is just an example - you could insert any other activity. To extend the running example, maybe you get clear on why you want to be physically active but dismiss running for the reason that you hated it as a child. However if you gave yourself a chance to try it, maybe with some good coaching you might find you love it afterall!

Once you get clear on this stuff you can then simplify what you do and maybe eliminate some of what is wasting time when considered in light of your reasons why and your goals.

I've been spending some time getting clear on what i do and why i do what i do with the services i provide through personal training and bootcamps. It's been an interesting process and i look forward to delivering on the results.....

1 comment:

David Haas said...

I have a question about your blog, could you email me?