Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Review of Workout Muse's Rapid Fat Loss Cardio Soundtracks.
Workout Muse’s Rapid Fat Loss Cardio Program promises fast fat loss for busy men and women who want to get big-time results by using interval cardio workouts.
The creators of Workout Muse claim that these workouts can be performed in 30 minutes or less and are best done on non-resistance training days three times per week (Workout Muse highly recommends resistance training in addition to their cardio workouts).
Furthermore, the interval cardio workouts use a host of equipment-free exercises that can be performed ANYWHERE and ANYTIME with no need for expensive cardio machines. These claims sound too good to be true, huh? Let’s examine how Workout Muse works and what makes it so different from the cardio regimen most people are following for fat loss…
Let me start by saying I have always been a fan of interval training myself, it does not require a ton of time and it is not boring like your usual cardio workouts. Unfortunately, what makes it so difficult is it is often a juggling act between my watch, desired intensity level, and awareness of my surroundings. When one takes my attention, (i.e. constantly looking at my watch to keep time) one of the others falters, (i.e. I can’t perform to the optimal intensity level because I feel like I might trip). It can also be the other way around, when I completely focus on the task at hand, I completely lose track of time and cannot follow the very important timelines. As a result, although interval training is the BEST training for fat loss, it is often hampered by the very timelines that make it so effective.
Workout Muse harnesses the science of interval training and the power of sound by providing done-for-you audio interval training soundtracks that tell you when to start, when to stop, and even provides countdowns and updates to keep you focused on the task at hand. Not to mention the mind-blowing, adrenaline racing workout music created from scratch by their elite team of sound designers! All you’ll need is your body weight and an mp3 or CD player to get started.
As I tried Workout Muse for the first time, I had one of those “why didn’t I think of this” moments. Well, let’s explore the trainer who did think of this. After all, as scary as it is, this day in age anyone with a computer can become certified without any real-world knowledge.
BJ GADDOUR, CSCS, is the president and founder of GGR Fitness and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist with the prestigious National Strength and Conditioning Association. He is also the co-creator and fitness director of WORKOUT MUSE: The World’s FIRST and #1 Audio Interval Trainer. As a former fat kid and real world fat loss expert, BJ has helped HUNDREDS of people lose THOUSANDS of pounds of ugly, unwanted body fat!
I have to say I was first struck by BJ’s personal success story in overcoming his lifetime battle with being overweight. He isn’t one of those lucky genetic freaks that have a naturally perfect physique. But BJ didn’t just get into good shape … he got shredded! What is even more amazing is that he claims to have achieved this physique with the EXACT same interval cardio programs provided by Workout Muse. BJ was just like the average American, trying to figure out why his long, boring hours on the treadmill were doing nothing to decrease the bulge.
I have to be honest, when it comes to fitness one of the most annoying things in the world is when you see fat trainers that try to tell other people how to lose weight! I mean, who are these wannabes fooling? All I know is that I am not going to take exercise advice from someone who is in worse shape than I am. I want to know the person who is prescribing the program also does it him/herself. That is definitely the case with Workout Muse.
BJ is also extremely passionate in helping others who struggle with their weight and it is clearly evident that he simply loves what he does. More importantly, the results his program has provided time and time again for other people just like YOU are simply amazing. You really need to go and check out the Rapid Fat Loss Cardio site Click Here!to see the life-changing results BJ’s clients have gotten from his simple, yet brutally effective interval cardio routines.
For those of you who are not familiar with High-Intensity Interval Training, this is not some gimmicky, here today, gone tomorrow fitness fad. There is rock-solid science supporting this type of training. Daily there are more and more studies being published demonstrating the almost unbelievable effects interval cardio has on the body.
The whole concept behind the rapid fat loss cardio system is that you sprint to look better naked. Yeah I know, it sounds a bit cheesy, but here’s how it all works: Interval Training consists of alternating between bouts of maximal effort and low to moderate-intensity recovery periods. Essentially, high-intensity exercise rapidly depletes muscle glycogen (stored sugar) which subsequently increases total body fat-burning during both the recovery periods during your workouts AND in the hours and even days after your workouts. So by burning carbs during your workout you will essentially burn fat the rest of the day! After all, have you ever met a fat sprinter?
Keep in mind, you don’t necessarily have to run to sprint, it is the work-to-rest ratio and relative intensity of a sprinter that you are trying to emulate. So these workouts can be done with any form of cardiovascular exercise. In fact, BJ highly recommends that de-conditioned beginners start performing interval training on a stationary bike in order to build work capacity, decrease body weight, and improve physical confidence without the unwanted pounding on the joints. Once you melt off some serious fat and get the hang of intervals, then you can progress to others forms of exercise like running without overwhelming your body.
The powerful AFTERBURN effect of interval cardio allows your body to burn a ton of calories during your workout AND a ton of calories for the 24-48 hours following your workout. Talk about a good return to your investment! This is accomplished by the fat loss phenomenon know as EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption) which describes the amount of energy expended by your body to recover from intense exercise. On the other hand, when a person performs, typical, steady, long bouts of cardio the calorie burn stops the second they do.
Gaddour cites one landmark aerobic training study showing that 45 hours of aerobic training led to ZERO FAT LOSS over dieting alone! Furthermore, he spits out numerous studies supporting the fact that interval training burns 9 times more body fat than the long, boring steady-state aerobic alternative. One study even shows that only four minutes of the Tabata Interval Protocol (20 s on, 10 s off) led to greater fat loss and fitness improvements than another group who performed 60-minute bouts of slow cardio. This exact protocol is featured in both the final month of the 16-Week Rapid Fat Loss Cardio Program and as the Workout Muse Cardio EXPRESS, a special 4-Minute Rapid Fat Loss Cardio Routine that you can perform on those days when you simply do not have enough time to get a full interval workout in. Yep, that’s right, no excuses!
Of course, Workout Muse is not the first product out there to promote and prescribe interval training. So what makes their program unique?
The Workout Muse Audio Interval Training Soundtracks!
The bottom line is that interval training can be a real pain the butt to perform on your own without someone telling you when to start and stop. You constantly have to look at your clock and this annoying distraction truly limits the effectiveness of your interval workouts. Basically, you become a prisoner to your stopwatch! It is one of those inconveniences that I have tolerated only because there was no alternative.
Well, now that I have tried Workout Muse, I am going to keep using it. I was apprehensive about the fact that I have very particular music tastes and would miss them throughout my workouts. However, I was shocked to find that I didn’t miss my music at all. For one, the countdowns and time keeping were invaluable, but also, I guess it wasn’t the songs specifically that drove my workout, but the beats and rhythms behind them. Topher Farrell, Co-founder and Head Sound Designer for Workout Muse captures really cool beats, sounds and rhythms so that I still feel the same motivation I did from my old music. Topher has years and years of experience as a professional sound designer for film and as a music producer/audio engineer. This does show in the quality of the sound and seamless nature of the tracks.
So, here’s what you get with The 16-Week Rapid Fat Loss Cardio Soundtracks:
Over 2 Hours of Professional Sound Design and Music Composition!
The EXACT Customized And Periodized Rapid Fat Loss Cardio Program We Hand To All Of Our Paying Training Clients On DAY ONE So They Can Up To Lose 2-3+ Lbs of Ugly, Unwanted Body fat Per Week!
Each Month You Will Alternate Between Two Different Workouts (Cardio Workout A And Cardio Workout B) Each Featuring 10-20 Minutes Of Rapid Fat Loss Intervals Book-Ended By A 5-Minute Warm-Up and A 5-Minute Cool-Down So You Can Get Big-Time Results In 30 Minutes Or Less!
DONE-FOR-YOU Detailed Audio Instructions Clearly Explaining How To Perform Your Cardio Intervals For Some Serious Fat-Melting!
DONE-FOR-YOU Pre-Programmed Work-to-Rest Periods That Tell You When To Start And When To Stop With Strategically Placed Countdowns and Updates Serving As Your Personal Music Trainer!
Original Music Created From Scratch To Drive The Most Intense, Results-Producing Workouts Of Your Life!
Every Track Has DIFFERENT INTERVALS To UNIQUE MUSIC To Provide Endless Listening Pleasure For Your Rapid Fat Loss Cardio Workouts!
Plus, they have thrown in a ton of LIMITED-TIME ONLY BONUSES that you simply don’t want to miss out on! With Workout Muse’s 60-Day no questions-asked, money-back guarantee, you can personally test-drive these rapid fat loss soundtracks RISK-FREE! You literally have nothing to lose besides ugly, unwanted body fat!
Now, before you run off and buy, there is one catch… THESE WORKOUTS ARE REALLY HARD!
This product IS NOT FOR YOU if:
- You are someone who is undisciplined and unmotivated and WILL NOT workout unless you have supervision!
- You are a whiner or complainer with a self-defeating negative attitude!
- You are looking for another quick fix or a crash diet to solve all of your problems overnight!
- You have a health or medical condition that will not allow for the performance of HIGH-INTENSITY activity!
- You don't have the ability to open a zip file and play an mp3!
Now, this product IS FOR YOU if:
- You want the most simple, convenient, and affordable DONE-FOR-YOU rapid fat loss cardio interval training system automated to audio instructions that has helped hundreds of people before you lose thousands of pounds of ugly, unwanted body fat!
- You are a hard-working individual with a positive mental attitude and an unbreakable commitment to ACTUALLY FOLLOW a tried and proven fitness program!
- You have the ability to handle INTENSE muscle burn and push yourself past your comfort zone!
- You have a good support system around you to help you stay accountable towards your fitness goals!
- You own an mp3 player or cd player and have some experience with downloading PDFs and mp3 files!
Check it out today so you can see what everybody in the fitness world is talking about @ Click Here!
Steve Cork
P.S. Remember my e-book on the Mental Side of training is just one of the bonuses that you can get with this product if you order this week.
Mine is only a short book, but if you truly apply what is in it it will be worth the price of the whole product to you!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Free Fat Loss System Gift For You!
Keep a close eye on my blog this week, and on your in boxes if you are signed up to my training journal newsletter.
I am going to be giving away some fantastic fat loss resources for you to enjoy in the next day or so.
One in particular is a 16 week rapid fat loss cardio system that will blow you away.
The other is a time efficient 4 minute fat loss workout along with a timed soundtrack for you to workout to. You can download this to an mp3 or burn onto a cd, or just do it right in front of your computer if the boss doesn't mind!
If you like this system and can see how you could use this for great results alongside your Bootcamp, Personal Training sessions, or classes, there will be a great offer to get hold of more of this system.
This could well revolutionise any training you do on your own, at the gym, or on holiday. The system is great but adding music which contains the timed intervals within it takes it to the next level .
Want to decrease your body fat in the most effective way possible?
Want to rapidly improve your fitness?
Then you have to put this into practise!
Look out for more info soon, and a way to also get hold of my very own 'Mental Fitness For Maximum Fat loss' e-book for free!
We've been integrating this stuff into our Sussex Bootcamp sessions and personal training sessions to great effect. We're about to unleash the whole thing!
Stay tuned!
P.S. Thanks to everyone who has asked how my move from Haywards Heath to Plumpton Green has gone. All has nearly been shifted and i just have to find a home for everything now!
Keep a close eye on my blog this week, and on your in boxes if you are signed up to my training journal newsletter.
I am going to be giving away some fantastic fat loss resources for you to enjoy in the next day or so.
One in particular is a 16 week rapid fat loss cardio system that will blow you away.
The other is a time efficient 4 minute fat loss workout along with a timed soundtrack for you to workout to. You can download this to an mp3 or burn onto a cd, or just do it right in front of your computer if the boss doesn't mind!
If you like this system and can see how you could use this for great results alongside your Bootcamp, Personal Training sessions, or classes, there will be a great offer to get hold of more of this system.
This could well revolutionise any training you do on your own, at the gym, or on holiday. The system is great but adding music which contains the timed intervals within it takes it to the next level .
Want to decrease your body fat in the most effective way possible?
Want to rapidly improve your fitness?
Then you have to put this into practise!
Look out for more info soon, and a way to also get hold of my very own 'Mental Fitness For Maximum Fat loss' e-book for free!
We've been integrating this stuff into our Sussex Bootcamp sessions and personal training sessions to great effect. We're about to unleash the whole thing!
Stay tuned!
P.S. Thanks to everyone who has asked how my move from Haywards Heath to Plumpton Green has gone. All has nearly been shifted and i just have to find a home for everything now!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Get Moving!
I have been busy recently moving house. What a joyful experience it is!
It has taken out - or i have allowed it to take out - quite a few training days. The day itself was probably physical enough though!
For those of you local to the area, i've moved from Haywards Heath to Plumpton Green.
Moving to this area is going to be great for me for a couple of reasons in particular. I love being so close to the Downs, and also the peace and quiet it brings.
However this is partly due to the noisy traffic on the road i've lived on in Haywards Heath.
If that was my only consideration, i could have achieved it by moving 100 yards in the right directions off this road rather than 6 miles!
How does this relate to your fitness training or nutrition?
Well, have you ever felt that the only way for you to make significant progress was taking some massive change of direction? Maybe you have actually done this. Maybe it was exactly what was needed and maybe it got you exactly the results you were after.
However i think that all too often people make drastic changes in their health and fitness approach, when they could have achieved the same or even much more by staying much closer to home and making some less drastic changes in the right directions.
Ever heard someone say that squats make their knees hurt - and then seen them squat! Is it the squat that should be banished from their routine or the technique that needs to be fixed??
The same can be said for diet or nutrition. Big sweeping, drastic changes are rarely the answer for long term health and success.
Luckily i'm not left feeling that was my only criteria for moving and i made a mistake!
I'm looking forward to getting some seriously great sessions on the Downs. The worst thing right now is the fact my pull up bar does not fit any of the door frames in the new place!
Now that is a criteria worth moving for! Maybe i need to get out more??
Hope the moving in your life is getting you where you need to go.
Until next time....
Steve Cork
It has taken out - or i have allowed it to take out - quite a few training days. The day itself was probably physical enough though!
For those of you local to the area, i've moved from Haywards Heath to Plumpton Green.
Moving to this area is going to be great for me for a couple of reasons in particular. I love being so close to the Downs, and also the peace and quiet it brings.
However this is partly due to the noisy traffic on the road i've lived on in Haywards Heath.
If that was my only consideration, i could have achieved it by moving 100 yards in the right directions off this road rather than 6 miles!
How does this relate to your fitness training or nutrition?
Well, have you ever felt that the only way for you to make significant progress was taking some massive change of direction? Maybe you have actually done this. Maybe it was exactly what was needed and maybe it got you exactly the results you were after.
However i think that all too often people make drastic changes in their health and fitness approach, when they could have achieved the same or even much more by staying much closer to home and making some less drastic changes in the right directions.
Ever heard someone say that squats make their knees hurt - and then seen them squat! Is it the squat that should be banished from their routine or the technique that needs to be fixed??
The same can be said for diet or nutrition. Big sweeping, drastic changes are rarely the answer for long term health and success.
Luckily i'm not left feeling that was my only criteria for moving and i made a mistake!
I'm looking forward to getting some seriously great sessions on the Downs. The worst thing right now is the fact my pull up bar does not fit any of the door frames in the new place!
Now that is a criteria worth moving for! Maybe i need to get out more??
Hope the moving in your life is getting you where you need to go.
Until next time....
Steve Cork
Friday, July 18, 2008
Sussex Bootcamps at Horsham Eco Fair
This Sunday (20th), Sussex Bootcamps will have a booth and be performing Demonstrations at the Horsham Eco Fair.
This is all going on at Horsham Park near the Pavilions Centre. This lovely park is the location of our future Horsham Bootcamp.
I have long had a keen interest in the environment, and try to consider the environmental impact of everything i do.
Bootcamps can run with a minimum of equipment, and of course no powered machinery!
They are kinder to the environment, and exercising outdoors is generally far more pleasant and we would argue better for you.
Come along and meet bootcamp and personal trainers Ben Davis and myself Steve Cork at the Horsham Eco Fair!
This is all going on at Horsham Park near the Pavilions Centre. This lovely park is the location of our future Horsham Bootcamp.
I have long had a keen interest in the environment, and try to consider the environmental impact of everything i do.
Bootcamps can run with a minimum of equipment, and of course no powered machinery!
They are kinder to the environment, and exercising outdoors is generally far more pleasant and we would argue better for you.
Come along and meet bootcamp and personal trainers Ben Davis and myself Steve Cork at the Horsham Eco Fair!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Are You Fatter Than You Think You Are?
I noticed a really interesting article in the Independent on Saturday.
It basically says that with growing obesity, what people then consider to be "normal" weight has also increased so that many people are now underestimating how fat they really are.
As a result many people are failing to realise they have a problem that needs to be addressed.
People first need to recognise they are overweight and can then do something about it. Otherwise there will not be much motivation to act.
From 1999 to 2007, the amount of people studied who were classed as being overweight (a body mass index of 25 or over) increased by 10% (from 43 to 53%). However the proportion of people who correctly identified themselves went from 81 to 75%.
People classified as obese (a BMI of 30 plus) nearly doubled, but the majority realised they were too fat.
What's your BMI?
To check your own score type 'BMI calculator' into Google and plenty of free options come up.
Is it a good tool? Well it promotes a certain amount of body awareness which is always a good thing. However people who train hard will typically carry more muscle mass, and this is not taken into account with BMI.
So at one end of the scale we have people carrying healthy muscle tissue with low body fat being classed as overweight - maybe even obese if heavily muscled, to thinner looking people who actually have a higher body fat percentage, but being considered "normal".
In between these are the rest of the population for which BMI can provide a good guide.
What's my BMI?
My result is 24.3. This is in the ideal weight for height range, but it is at the top end of this!
At a body fat level of 11%, it's a bit strange to think that if hit the weights hard for a while and put on 2 1/2 kilo's of muscle mass i would then be considered "overweight"!
Steve Cork
It basically says that with growing obesity, what people then consider to be "normal" weight has also increased so that many people are now underestimating how fat they really are.
As a result many people are failing to realise they have a problem that needs to be addressed.
People first need to recognise they are overweight and can then do something about it. Otherwise there will not be much motivation to act.
From 1999 to 2007, the amount of people studied who were classed as being overweight (a body mass index of 25 or over) increased by 10% (from 43 to 53%). However the proportion of people who correctly identified themselves went from 81 to 75%.
People classified as obese (a BMI of 30 plus) nearly doubled, but the majority realised they were too fat.
What's your BMI?
To check your own score type 'BMI calculator' into Google and plenty of free options come up.
Is it a good tool? Well it promotes a certain amount of body awareness which is always a good thing. However people who train hard will typically carry more muscle mass, and this is not taken into account with BMI.
So at one end of the scale we have people carrying healthy muscle tissue with low body fat being classed as overweight - maybe even obese if heavily muscled, to thinner looking people who actually have a higher body fat percentage, but being considered "normal".
In between these are the rest of the population for which BMI can provide a good guide.
What's my BMI?
My result is 24.3. This is in the ideal weight for height range, but it is at the top end of this!
At a body fat level of 11%, it's a bit strange to think that if hit the weights hard for a while and put on 2 1/2 kilo's of muscle mass i would then be considered "overweight"!
Steve Cork
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Spinning In Sussex To Help Keep You Sane?!
Another sunny Sunday morning - another Spin class to cover in Haywards Heath!
I wrote about some of the pro's and con's of Spinning and other methods of indoor cycling in another blog post.
After today's session i realised a couple of things.
I was going to say the best exercise i got was the run i had to do to get to the Dolphin Centre on time! Especially as i don't get that much running done generally.
On the way back i was just leisurely walking, so i had time to reflect.
I was thinking about something i had previously said about spinning - the fact that it can be seriously limited in terms of movement skills. I'll still stand (jump and skip!) by that, but something else became apparent today.
I've often said that hard training helps to keep me sane - or at least feeling good! It kind of reconnects me to a sense of primal physical expression.
In a society that can lack anything in the way of physical exertion or expression as part of daily life, and be full of intangible stressors, being able to 'blow off steam' physically is essential.
For this purpose it doesn't really matter what the activity is. The important thing is being able to work hard involving the larger muscle groups in the body and let your mind and body get rid of any stress.
Combine this with the possibility of moving to a repetitive rhythm in the music and this has got to do something to enhance the mental benefits of the training.
Different activities may better achieve this mental benefit more easily for some individuals. Experiment with which options provide you with the most benefit.
I would still rather make the majority of my training tick several boxes, and therefore choose something far more whole body, demand a certain amount of movement skills, and raise my metabolism.
Something more one dimensional would therefore play a far smaller role in my overall training plan.
With this in mind, and in order to focus far more of my time and energy into Personal Training and Bootcamps, i have cut a couple of my Spinning classes from Sawyers in Haywards Heath in the last week.
The mental benefits to training are just some of the awesome reasons to keep up your good hard work.
Be an Everyday Athlete and add life to your years!!
Steve Cork
I wrote about some of the pro's and con's of Spinning and other methods of indoor cycling in another blog post.
After today's session i realised a couple of things.
I was going to say the best exercise i got was the run i had to do to get to the Dolphin Centre on time! Especially as i don't get that much running done generally.
On the way back i was just leisurely walking, so i had time to reflect.
I was thinking about something i had previously said about spinning - the fact that it can be seriously limited in terms of movement skills. I'll still stand (jump and skip!) by that, but something else became apparent today.
I've often said that hard training helps to keep me sane - or at least feeling good! It kind of reconnects me to a sense of primal physical expression.
In a society that can lack anything in the way of physical exertion or expression as part of daily life, and be full of intangible stressors, being able to 'blow off steam' physically is essential.
For this purpose it doesn't really matter what the activity is. The important thing is being able to work hard involving the larger muscle groups in the body and let your mind and body get rid of any stress.
Combine this with the possibility of moving to a repetitive rhythm in the music and this has got to do something to enhance the mental benefits of the training.
Different activities may better achieve this mental benefit more easily for some individuals. Experiment with which options provide you with the most benefit.
I would still rather make the majority of my training tick several boxes, and therefore choose something far more whole body, demand a certain amount of movement skills, and raise my metabolism.
Something more one dimensional would therefore play a far smaller role in my overall training plan.
With this in mind, and in order to focus far more of my time and energy into Personal Training and Bootcamps, i have cut a couple of my Spinning classes from Sawyers in Haywards Heath in the last week.
The mental benefits to training are just some of the awesome reasons to keep up your good hard work.
Be an Everyday Athlete and add life to your years!!
Steve Cork
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Mixing With The Top Personal Trainers in the UK
Last weekend i had the pleasure of doing the second part of the Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT ) Jumpstart course.
Ben Davis and myself made the trip to London once again, and we were in good company. There was a great range of personal trainers and physical therapists etc, including some of the top people in the UK.
We were only there for 3 days, but that is all it takes for me gain too much insight into what commuters face everyday travelling from Haywards Heath to London!
Every time i experience MAT i gain a deeper understanding and a deeper respect for it.
If you struggle with certain movements, if you ever feel imbalanced, or certain movements are painful you could well benefit from a session of MAT.
Many people will be functioning sub optimally and not even be aware of this.
If some of your muscles are not working appropriately, other tissues will have to take the strain.
Further, you will be less effective at metabolising glucose and may therefore struggle with weight loss.
I have been using Muscle Activation Techniques with good success with a number of my personal training clients for a while now. However i think i'll be learning and integrating it better for a little while longer.
If you wish to try this out to see if it can help you, i am currently offering discounted sessions over the next 2 months.
After this time this specialised and rare approach (in the uk) will have the price tag it deserves!
Yours in Health and Fitness,
Ben Davis and myself made the trip to London once again, and we were in good company. There was a great range of personal trainers and physical therapists etc, including some of the top people in the UK.
We were only there for 3 days, but that is all it takes for me gain too much insight into what commuters face everyday travelling from Haywards Heath to London!
Every time i experience MAT i gain a deeper understanding and a deeper respect for it.
If you struggle with certain movements, if you ever feel imbalanced, or certain movements are painful you could well benefit from a session of MAT.
Many people will be functioning sub optimally and not even be aware of this.
If some of your muscles are not working appropriately, other tissues will have to take the strain.
Further, you will be less effective at metabolising glucose and may therefore struggle with weight loss.
I have been using Muscle Activation Techniques with good success with a number of my personal training clients for a while now. However i think i'll be learning and integrating it better for a little while longer.
If you wish to try this out to see if it can help you, i am currently offering discounted sessions over the next 2 months.
After this time this specialised and rare approach (in the uk) will have the price tag it deserves!
Yours in Health and Fitness,
Thursday, July 3, 2008
The Power of Pad Work - Ouch!
I've worked on punch pads, kick pads, and bags for years.
This comes from my martial arts and self protection training background.
As a fitness instructor, personal trainer, and on bootcamps, integrating these skills and this type of training was only natural.
Every so often i go far too long without doing enough pad work myself. Last Friday i realised this had been the case as i needed to partner a participant in Boxercise at Burgess Hill.
While making sure i was keeping an eye on everyone and giving enough coaching, i managed to get some good quality work done.
I sure knew about it all weekend long! A certain type of soreness was going on around my shoulders, and all around my abs and ribs (whole core was singing)!
Striking movements are fantastic whole body exercise, and done lightly will get everything moving with better co-ordination.
However, far too many people stop at this point and never realise the potential of this type of exercise.
I think the problem comes from far too much aerobic paced training, which is then 'carried over' into any exercise. Essentially training with only 1 or 2 gears.
A further problem can come from 'body combat' or other similar martial art movement based classes. Given no real target to aim for and hit through, people start to move their body's in some slightly strange and less efficient ways, when pads are then introduced.
They also have to develop a protective early slowing down of punches and kicks to protect the joints when no pad is there to absorb the impact. Therefore these movments have to become uninhibited when pads are introduced.
This is not always the case, some people make the transition just fine, but the majority initially struggle. Bad habits have been developed (unless you do just want to be able to stand there waving your arms and legs around)!
Having a purpose to your movements makes such a difference. I've long maintained that starting out with learning to hit pads properly makes any classes like body combat more effective as you then have a better impression of what your body is doing.
Impact is important for bone and joint health - that's right, an appropriate level delivered with good technique is a good thing.
Once you have got a good feel for the basics, you want to continually try to refine what you are doing so you are able to hit harder and faster when you choose to. Most of the time this will be accomplished using your whole body.
The same applies for the kicks.
If you've ever been punching or kicking and wondered 'what muscle is this working?' you are either still learning technique or just not hitting by using your whole body with enough force.
Stop thinking like a body builder in terms of muscles! Start enhancing movements and you will go far!
Round 2 coming up soon!
I teach pad work in personal training, boxercise, bootcamps, and in some circuit training classes.
These services are offered privately, in the local parks, and at the Olympos clubs in Haywards Heath and Burgess Hill.
Cheers for now,
Steve Cork
This comes from my martial arts and self protection training background.
As a fitness instructor, personal trainer, and on bootcamps, integrating these skills and this type of training was only natural.
Every so often i go far too long without doing enough pad work myself. Last Friday i realised this had been the case as i needed to partner a participant in Boxercise at Burgess Hill.
While making sure i was keeping an eye on everyone and giving enough coaching, i managed to get some good quality work done.
I sure knew about it all weekend long! A certain type of soreness was going on around my shoulders, and all around my abs and ribs (whole core was singing)!
Striking movements are fantastic whole body exercise, and done lightly will get everything moving with better co-ordination.
However, far too many people stop at this point and never realise the potential of this type of exercise.
I think the problem comes from far too much aerobic paced training, which is then 'carried over' into any exercise. Essentially training with only 1 or 2 gears.
A further problem can come from 'body combat' or other similar martial art movement based classes. Given no real target to aim for and hit through, people start to move their body's in some slightly strange and less efficient ways, when pads are then introduced.
They also have to develop a protective early slowing down of punches and kicks to protect the joints when no pad is there to absorb the impact. Therefore these movments have to become uninhibited when pads are introduced.
This is not always the case, some people make the transition just fine, but the majority initially struggle. Bad habits have been developed (unless you do just want to be able to stand there waving your arms and legs around)!
Having a purpose to your movements makes such a difference. I've long maintained that starting out with learning to hit pads properly makes any classes like body combat more effective as you then have a better impression of what your body is doing.
Impact is important for bone and joint health - that's right, an appropriate level delivered with good technique is a good thing.
Once you have got a good feel for the basics, you want to continually try to refine what you are doing so you are able to hit harder and faster when you choose to. Most of the time this will be accomplished using your whole body.
The same applies for the kicks.
If you've ever been punching or kicking and wondered 'what muscle is this working?' you are either still learning technique or just not hitting by using your whole body with enough force.
Stop thinking like a body builder in terms of muscles! Start enhancing movements and you will go far!
Round 2 coming up soon!
I teach pad work in personal training, boxercise, bootcamps, and in some circuit training classes.
These services are offered privately, in the local parks, and at the Olympos clubs in Haywards Heath and Burgess Hill.
Cheers for now,
Steve Cork
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Is Chicken Mostly Protein Or Fat?
I've been enjoying the recent adventures at River Cottage on Channel 4. I love watching people who are good with food get all excited and passionate about their subject matter.
Even when i was a vegan, i often thought i'd eat pretty much anything Hugh created! The enthusiasm is infectious!
I've long been a believer in good food providing the building blocks for a good healthy body. Not only your body but also your mental fitness and your moods / emotions etc.
Therefore i was intrigued when a standard supermarket chicken was analysed against a free range organic chicken.
From what i remember, the organic free range chicken had 25% less fat, and 10 times the amount of Omega 3 fat!
Considering we want to make the most of our lean protein sources, and get a good amount of essential omega 3 fats, the choice is obvious to me when it comes to your health and fitness.
I haven't seen the full studies that were done, but based on the lifestyle and diet of the animals it makes good sense.
I'll admit that when it comes to price i don't have to feed a family of four, but like my fitness training, i'll take quality over quantity any day.
We are lucky in West Sussex to have some great choices for quality local food. Personally i have enjoyed organic veg from Laines Farm in Cuckfield, with Lower Laines Farm also supplying meat and eggs.
There is a great butcher in Lindfield, and a lovely farm shop in Ditchling.
No doubt i've just scratched the surface as to what is available on my doorstep. How about you?
Steve Cork
Even when i was a vegan, i often thought i'd eat pretty much anything Hugh created! The enthusiasm is infectious!
I've long been a believer in good food providing the building blocks for a good healthy body. Not only your body but also your mental fitness and your moods / emotions etc.
Therefore i was intrigued when a standard supermarket chicken was analysed against a free range organic chicken.
From what i remember, the organic free range chicken had 25% less fat, and 10 times the amount of Omega 3 fat!
Considering we want to make the most of our lean protein sources, and get a good amount of essential omega 3 fats, the choice is obvious to me when it comes to your health and fitness.
I haven't seen the full studies that were done, but based on the lifestyle and diet of the animals it makes good sense.
I'll admit that when it comes to price i don't have to feed a family of four, but like my fitness training, i'll take quality over quantity any day.
We are lucky in West Sussex to have some great choices for quality local food. Personally i have enjoyed organic veg from Laines Farm in Cuckfield, with Lower Laines Farm also supplying meat and eggs.
There is a great butcher in Lindfield, and a lovely farm shop in Ditchling.
No doubt i've just scratched the surface as to what is available on my doorstep. How about you?
Steve Cork
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