Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What Results And Life Do Your Beliefs Get You??

Well my last post on super low calorie diets and otherwise distracting health and fitness 'solutions' caused.................

..........not much of a response!

But the one response i got was strong enough to make me stop and think! Always a good thing!

Unfortunately i offended someone with what i wrote, and that in itself is par for the course when you are stating your beliefs and preferences.

But when it is someone i know, not just faceless internet person, i find it upsetting.

So i had to question what i believe, why i believe it, why i decided to write what i did etc.

Personally i was upset that someone had ended up feeling bad enough that they felt negatively about what i thought and what i do.

Professionally, i know there are many issues that my education and experience will lead me to take a stand on, and this will either resonate with people, get them to challenge or question their beliefs momentarily or maybe longer, or have them disagree or possibly negatively react!

When i write about something i often have someone - or a type of person in mind. Usually this is going to be the average person who may have the occasional struggle with their fitness journey. Or not a huge distance away, the fitness enthusiast who can benefit from ideas and inspiration to keep things going.

Neither of these are extremes!

You know what? If someone is in an extreme situation physically or mentally, then maybe a pretty extreme solution will get them the momentum they need to move in the right direction. Hopefully it will do this for long enough to turn into more sustainable habits and choices.

Does the person in a far more average situation need this, should they be recommended it? Absolutely not!

Here is the problem and what i was really battling against.

How many people are out there who's opinion of themselves is far worse than the reality? How many people just want a seemingly easy and quick fix? How many people are swayed by the latest celebrity this and that? Masses.

Yet the vast majority need to be learning and establishing habits for life. This is going to take more effort, more discipline and more time!

If you ever find yourself in a position where you believe you have succeeded with an approach opposite to the ones i recommend, then know that i applaud and celebrate your success. I respect the journey and the challenges you have overcome to get where you got.

I won't necessarily agree with the method or promote it to others. Everyone is unique, ever heard of someone succeeding in spite of their choices, training etc?

Many professional athletes have got where they did despite far less than optimal programmes.

My solutions have to adhere to a whole range of filters and tests to back them up. I will never stop trying to learn more and do what i do better, so that i can better help others. I always joke that i've studied far harder since leaving university - but it is very true.

And, i'll be wrong sometimes, i'll make mistakes, and i'll find evidence that shows me a different direction may be better and therefore i'll change my mind! What i do will not be the choice for everyone.

Sometimes i might even piss someone off - but that is never my intention.

What do you believe that gets you your results?

What beliefs have you had challenged or struggled with?

What beliefs have you done a complete 180 on and ended up doing the opposite?

My best wishes for your health, fitness, and happiness,



Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Weight Loss Health Disaster!!

When it comes to health and fitness solutions, you absolutely need to choose something that is going to keep you fit strong and healthy in the short and long term.

You need something that adheres to basic principles and sound science.

There are lots of 'shiny object' solutions - things that shout out for your attention and often seem appealing at first glance.

Sometimes these can get people who are desperately in need of help to do something, but the consequences can be disasterous.

Other times these false hopes can derail an otherwise sensible approach that might not quite be optimal, but is still healthy.

I warned people about such 'solutions' in my nutrition talk.

I've had clients who are recovering from such choices.

Yes people will lose weight, but according to an article in the Daily Mail last week, one company's 500cal a day, meal replacement only diet, has been linked to "memory loss, heart attacks....and even death".

Apparently this has 15,000 followers in the UK - and that is absolutely crazy!!

One person is quoted as achieveing great weight loss but after being on the £66 per week diet for 8 months, she now blames it for causing "muscle pains, poor vision, memory loss and tiredness".

Is it any wonder!

Apparently this regime is endorsed by a celebrity chef - again ridiculous! A chef, someone who loves food, recommending an approach in which you consume no real food!

It's like me as a Personal Trainer recommending a fitness solution that requires no exercise!

The article went on describing an obesity expert blaming the death from a heart condition of someone who had followed the diet for 6 months, on losing too much weight too fast and that this had reduced the lean tissue in her heart.

Also a dentist talked of how he has experienced and had to treat patients for the deterioration of their dental health due to not eating real foods.

Other cases have reported hair loss and menstrual disorder, and problems learning to cope with real foods again.

Again my take is that this type of approach is absolute madness. It makes about as much sense as cutting off a limb to see a lower number on the scale!

It's your health and your life. You and your family deserve to have you live it to the fullest, and that is what a tried and tested approach to exercise and nutrition will achieve.

Seek out a true professional and you will be amazed at real results!

Be an Everyday Athlete!

Steve Cork

Monday, November 17, 2008

I've been Getting Michael Neils tips for quite a few years now and i always find value in them. The most recent one is reproduced below for you.

For more info and to get these weekly tips yourself go to http://www.geniuscatalyst.com/

Creating Your Life From The Inside-Out

For many of the 18 years or so I have been involved in coaching and training, I have begun my sessions with variations on a simple question:

What do you want?

I would then sift through the various answers, listening for energy, aliveness, congruence, and a sense of "wow!". This is because of a simple rule of thumb I discovered early on in my work and which I have written about extensively in You Can Have What You Want - that it is easier to have what you actually want than what you think you can get.

Unfortunately, that "wow!" is rarely there on the first iteration. In seeking to understand why this is, I've come to notice that the problem is two-fold. First, you're looking for what's outside you to satisfy what's inside you; second, you're ordering off the menu instead of creating what you really, really want.

Let's take a closer look at both of these notions in turn:

1. Outside-in vs. Inside-out

Traditional models of success focus on how getting what you want on the outside will get you what you want on the inside - all you need to do to be happy and fulfilled is to do fulfilling work, achieve worthy goals, have loving relationships with people who share your values, and leave a legacy by making a positive difference in the world.

While any one of these things can be wonderful in their own right, the minute you begin relying on them to be the source of your good feelings, you become subject to the stresses and worries that most of us think of as a "normal" part of life. After all, if the source of your well-being could leave you, fire you, change, or not work out as planned, you need to be on constant guard as change is almost certainly an enemy no matter how friendly its disguise.

When you look at success from the inside-out, stress disappears and worry becomes almost non-existent because the source of your well-being is inside you - your own very human nature. You realize that you were born happy, and the worst thing that can ever happen to you is a thought - generally speaking, a thought about whatever you think is the worst thing that could ever happen to you.

In the world of happy success, things still won't always work out as you'd hoped or planned, but that just becomes a fact of life instead of a problem to be solved. And since you live in a state of being full (of life, of joy, of love and of peace), going outside yourself to "find fulfillment" loses most of its appeal.

Of course, that doesn't mean you won't still do all sorts of weird and wonderful things with your life - just that you will be using what's inside you to create things on the outside instead of doing them the other way around.

2. Ordering off the menu vs. Creating what you want

When I first ask people what they want, they generally go up into their heads to order off an invisible menu of possibilities that have been programmed and conditioned into their brains throughout their lives.

For most people, that menu is so limited that "nothing seems to inspire me" is a common complaint. This is one of the reasons that a coach can be such a huge help in moving forward - the coach generally has access to a larger menu with more choices available, consequently opening up new possibilities in the minds of their clients.

Makes sense, doesn't it?

But let's take a look at where this analogy breaks down in the real world. For starters, we'll imagine that you're out to lunch and nothing on the menu particularly appeals. Because you know you're expected to order something, you choose the tuna fish sandwich - a perfectly acceptable if slightly dull choice. Now the waiter comes along and gives you a list of the specials, and suddenly you've got a wider range of things to choose from. This time you go for the Croque Monsieur - a blend of toasted ham and cheese and mustard that has your mouth watering in a way that makes you sure that this will be the thing that will really quench your hunger.

Here's the problem...

What if you're not that hungry? And what if the sandwich turns out to not be what you thought it would be, and instead of biting into a little slice of heaven your lips purse as you chew your way through a stale and slightly soggy ham and cheese sandwich?

This is again the way life seems for so many of us - we don't know what we really want so we go for the best thing we can find, assuming that something will be better than nothing but ultimately feeling uncreative, unsatisfied, and unfulfilled by what we get.

While asking "what do you want" with intention and awareness can certainly get at the real desires lurking underneath the straitjacket of societal acceptability, an even more powerful question is this:

What would you love to create?

When we come to the table as a creator, we are no longer limited by whatever happens to be on the menu, because we know we can always go into the kitchen and cook up something wonderful of our own.

And what if instead of seeing ourselves at a cosmic restaurant we viewed our life as a blank canvas, or a musical score waiting to be written, or even a raw, unformed lump of clay? We would then be free to create absolutely anything - and if we don't like what we've created up until this point, we can always throw it away and start again.

Then the natural artistry you were born with as a child has the space to come out and play, and circumstances stop being "good" or "bad" or "right" or "wrong" but simply the raw materials for your next creation.

The reality is, you are infinitely creative - and when you take the best of what's inside you and use it to create from, things like success, abundance, loving relationships and a meaningful legacy stop being goals to be pursued but rather become the natural fruits of your creation.

Today's Experiment:
1. Draw a box with 9 squares inside it. Inside each square, write the name of an important area of your life.

Example: Family Career Money
Wellbeing Home Spirituality
Community Contrubution Fun

2. For each area, ask yourself what you would love to create over the next year or beyond.


Family - With my family, I would love to create an atmosphere of love and laughter, a space of acceptance and learning, and relationships based on clear agreements and enjoying each other's company

Career - With my career, I would love to create a "results-only work environment" where I'm free to work on a completely flexible schedule that allows me to do the work when I really want to and when I'm at my best.

Spirituality - In the area of spirituality, I would love to create a personal relationship with God based on a deep sense of connection and communion, and to see that relationship reflected in the way I relate to the people in every area of my life

3. If you're still feeling less than inspired by what you are beginning to create, here are a few additional questions designed to turn up the volume on the voice of creation within, including:

What would be even better than that?
If that were an 8, what would be a 9? A 10?
What would you love to create that brings a big grin to your face when you think about it (and that grin would get even bigger if you actually created it)?
What would you love to create that would make you go "wow!"

Have fun, learn heaps, and happy creating!

With love,

Michael Neil

A great source of Michael's coaching and wisdom is his book 'You Can Have What You Want'.

Be an Everyday Athlete from the inside-out!

Steve Cork

Friday, November 14, 2008

Watch Out For The New Vans! Plus - Testimonial...

The Bootcamp Van's are out there with signs on!

Hopfully this will spread the word even faster about the great fitness solution we offer.

I'll post a picture soon.

Read this testimonial we got today;

"I decided to join Sussex Bootcamp due to a recovery from a period of ill health. My fitness level and my weight had been effected and I was unsure of how to regain my long lost enthusiasm for fitness.

Sussex Bootcamp created a team environment where I felt we were ”in it together” and this partly encouraged me to not miss a session. Steve also made it fun and instilled confidence in the group to strive harder each session but not pitch yourself against another member but work at your own pace. He is very knowledgeable, approachable and makes sure that you are doing the exercises in the right way.

I have realised that fitness can be fun and rewarding, my fitness level improved weekly and I was able to do more and push myself further. I feel healthier, fitter and look firmer and most importantly I had fun. It was definitely money well spent and I would recommend it to anyone wanting to make a change".

- Sam 35, Haywards Health.

Want to be one of our next success stories!?

Next Bootcamp starts on Mon 24th November. There is only until Monday to be able to sign up at the early bird rate.

Go and check out www.sussexbootcamps.co.uk

Steve Cork

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Steve and Ben Interviewed for Fitness Tips!

That's right!

The last couple of Sunday's we've been involved in audio interviews with a handful of other fitness experts from around the world.

The first interview was all to do with our tips and strategies for getting through the holiday season. All the high level personal trainers and bootcamp trainers gave their best exercise and nutrition advice to avoid getting in trouble and coming out on top over the next couple of months.

I'll be sending out links for the recording and the transcripts to all the people on my training journal / newsletter list.

Last week of bootcamp this week and we have a flying finish. It's gone by so fast and everyone has done great. Which means the last one of the year is just around the corner - make sure you get on it!

All the Best,

Steve Cork


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Nutrition Talk For Bootcamp Clients in Haywards Heath

At the end of last week - after the excitement of our pumpkin session! - i gave our current bootcampers a nutrition talk.

We are at least with our clients for their 3 bootcamp sessions each week, but this still leaves a lot of room and time for other lifestyle factors to impact on results.

Nutrition is one such area and although we give everyone some great information, it is sometimes better delivered in person with a chance to focus on that alone and ask questions.

We are always seeking to deliver more value to our clients and this was one such way we could do it.

Here is an overview of my talk

Overview of Successful Weight Loss
Correct Exercise

Overview of Nutrition
Extreme Choices
What Most People Do
The Solution

Supportive Nutrition
Building a Meal

Multi Vitamins
Protein / Meal Replacements
Lower Carb Days

Food Diary
Shopping List
Not in The House = Not Eaten!
Goals and Mental Commitment


That was the bare bones of what we covered. Hopefully this reinforced for our clients the importance of doing what they can and sticking with some core principles.

If you are interested in having me speak on topics of health and fitness i am available to do so.

Best Wishes,


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Start Your Winter Fitness Plan Today!

Have you noticed some changes to your routine with the changes of the season's?

Any changes in moods or eating patterns?

How about energy levels or sleeping patterns?

If not careful this is a time of year when the Summer time health and fitness efforts can all go out the window!

You don't really want to have to start all over again in the Spring do you?

Good I thought not! Address this early – now, don't wait until something like Boxing Day to realise you've not done any training for the past 2 months.

Having said all that, it's probably no bad thing if you do change some things about your routine, but not if that leads to dropping it altogether.

You might decide to change the time of day that you exercise to better fit in with your moods, energy, levels of light, and other commitments.

You might decide to change your focus – lift more weights, or find some shorter but higher intensity sessions that challenge you with less time available for example.

You might need more sleep when you can get it – do you really need to watch rubbish on TV or surf the internet late so often?

All of these things just point towards you having options and adapting so that you make the most out of the training you do.

Now decide what you want – how do you want to be looking and feeling around that time of resolutions being made? What is it going to take to achieve that?

With some idea of a plan in mind you want to get this established as a routine before all those demands on your time risk taking over.

Use the next 3 to 4 weeks to establish some good habits that will have you looking and feeling great after the holiday's! I'd recommend starting a food and exercise diary if you are not doing so currently.

Keep an eye on any changes, write down what is really happening, and stay accountable to achieving the results you want.

Be an everyday athlete!

Steve Cork

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Freaky Fat Loss On Friday At Bootcamp!

That's right! We entered into the spirit of things!

Well we got pumpkins, and a couple of watermelons!! And a few medicine balls.

It all resulted in some great training sessions at Bootcamp on Friday. This was the first time we have added any type of resistance at the current camp, and i think everyone enjoyed the change and the challenge.

We got to load all the now familiar movement patterns, and add a few that really lend themselves to a bit of external resistance.

As always we focused on some repeated intervals of mostly whole body movements that aim to stimulate the best fitness enhancing, fat burning, muscle toning and strengthening results around.

Next year we'll all try to do better on the costumes - and now everyone knows i wasn't joking about the pumpkins!!

Hope some of the Bootcampers enjoyed tasting their pumpkins over the weekend - a nice reward for some hard work.

Pics to follow,


Training Session That Leaves Me Wiped Out!

I mentioned the other day that the dreaded leg focused training day was next up.

It hasn't been quite as long as it has taken me to post this - actually did this on Thursday

Yet again the number of sets of significant leg work (for me!) took its toll!

It went something like this;

4 Sets of front squats, each one mixed with a set of pressing and pulling.

3 sets of overhead squats, mixed with different pressing and pulling moves.

2 sets of 1 leg squats, again mixed with more versions of the above.

2 sets of a sandbag bearhug squat, yet more pressing and pulling.

Finally 2 sets of swiss ball hamstring curls, with explosive press ups (no not at the same time!)

I should have gone out for Halloween dressed up as something that has to walk a bit funny as no acting would have been needed!

Be an Everyday Athlete!

Steve Cork