Tuesday, April 24, 2012

From Sussex Bootcamps To Physical Path - My Evolution Continues...

From Sussex Personal Trainer, to Sussex Bootcamps very recently, i'm about to launch my new website and venture!

The website is not really one to shout about at the moment - more to get the basic info out there in a hurry - but it will gradually turn into something more exciting to visit.

'Physical Path' is the name i came up with for how i will be working with people going forward, both in groups and individually.

The next block of sessions will get started on May 21st and full details will be on the site. The website should be live in the next few hours and this is stricly version 1! www.physicalpath.com

This is a passion and something i love to do. It feels great to be 100% in the driving seat again and i can't wait to bring all i have to help the people who join Physical Path experience more, achieve more, and have more fun doing it!

With massive appreciation to all who have been a part of the last 14 plus years, it's time to take it to the next level!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Take a step on your physical path...

The analogy of a path works well for me - it seems we are all influenced today by what we have experienced before today, and what we do today will decide where we are at tomorrow (and if we are likely to enjoy that or not).

There are likely clear steps that led you to your experience, beliefs, and results today. You can continue to take similar steps, or alter your course to move in a better direction.

Once you are clear about where you are going and where you want to go, you can evaluate your choices as either getting you there in a positive way, or not. Then choose accordingly!

Sounds simple but i think the more we can empower ourselves with simple choices that can be acted and built on, the better.

Simple doesn't necessarily mean quick or easy either. You may need to spend some time developing a foundation of awareness of your experience and beliefs. How persistent and consistent you are in this and the action you take will also go a long way.

Ultimately this all leads towards you waking up each day choosing to live more fully in your body, and seek ways to move forward - take another step on your physical path.

This could be getting that next meal right - and taking the time to enjoy it, doing that daily mobility routine, commiting to that strength workout, getting enough sleep, catching yourself using negative thoughts and instead thinking something far more positive etc.

Take another step forward - enjoy that step as you take it and enjoy where those steps end up taking you!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Effort Vs Struggle

Here is a concept that came to me during a few sleepless hours last night.

Approaching what you do in your training as giving it energy and effort seems pretty positive and proactive.

Being aware of the difference between putting in the hard work or effort that you can today vs going through a struggle might well be a worthwhile distinction to make.

(Not quite what i wanted to illustrate!)

If we cross the line into 'stuggle' i think we are more likely to experience a mental or physical 'panic'. It won't necessarily be a state that many people want to expeience on a regular basis to build an enjoyable and lifelong habit of exercise!

Occasionally, i think we may all have training sessions where we decide to push the envelope or get taken a bit by surprise and go through more of a struggle - it may even be beneficial from time to time or you may derive mental strength from such an experience.

I would suggest however that most of the time we focus on putting in the effort and energy at a slightly more sustainable level that we can continue to build on over the long term. This will also allow for better focus on technique.

I think this is especially true for people just getting started or coming back to exercise. I've seen people cross the line into struggle way before they were really ready to do so and it doesn't look like a happy, positive, or healthy experience!

For the more experienced, the actual work being done may be the same, but the approach to it and internal state of the athlete or participant may be quite different!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Simple Formula To Get More Out Of Your Fitness...

The vast majority of people could benefit from enhancing the following areas.


(do mobility to avoid the above version)

Movement Skill

(Balance being one example)


(Get off the hamster wheel and get stronger!)


I think that spending a good chunk of your time in the above areas (including combining some or all of them at the same time!) will take you a long way.

It may even transform your experience of movement and fitness well beyond what you currently do.

Unfortunately a lot of people's first thoughts are still about how much 'cardio' and 'ab' training they are doing.

Have a thought about how you can get more of the above in your day and continue to develop more of it in the future. I'll share some more thoughts soon.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Try these on for better fitness results.....

Not a magic pair of pants or wonder trainers! Not even some tight fitting base layer that seems to have become all the rage.

I'm talking trying something on mentally and noticing how it feels before your next training session.

I want you to engage and get in a better state for enjoying what you are doing, bringing the experience more to life, and ultimately getting more rewards - internally and externally!

Firstly i want you to relax and breath, take a conscious deep breath and notice how your body is feeling today.

While you continue to do this, start to picture one of your most compelling or enjoyable goals - bring it to life in your mind. Continue to enjoy this feeling and recognise how what you are doing today is another stepping stone to fully enjoy and get you closer to where you want to be.

Smile inwardly and outwardly as you see yourself doing your movements or taking on certain challenges successfully and with the qualities you want to express.

As you start to go through your warm up and preparation movements, really feel what you are doing and how you are doing it. See and feel how each movement is preparing you for what you will be doing.

Continue to breath fully and with an element of relaxation. Every so often return to an image of what you will be doing in the session ahead and the energy and focus you will bring to it.

Notice the thoughts that come up. Simply let unhelpful, negative or distracting thoughts drift by, and give energy and attention to positive thoughts, words, and feelings that will only add to your experience.

Today is another chance to experience and practice. It's a chance to play - even if it is serious play! You may well have specifics you want to achieve so recognise these, set your intention, and then let go of any pressure you felt.

During the session aim to continue the above - being mindful of what you are doing and how you are doing it. Returning to an awareness of your breathing, positive images, and positive words, regularly.

After you have done your best for today and gone through your cool down take a moment to sit or lie down in a quiet space. As you focus on relaxed breathing, revisit the things you did well, and also imagine your goals and specific movements done perfectly once again. Finish with a moment of simply breathing with no specific thought.....

If the above seems quite novel to you at the moment - realise that it doesn't need to take much extra time at all, just familiarising yourself. It is only the relaxation and visualisation at the end that may be an added couple of minutes. If pushed for time you could follow the principles as you go through any other cool down moves or stretches, without needing to switch off completely!

This is one way you can help transform your experience from simply 'routine' to something more like a 'ritual'.

Monday, March 5, 2012

More Alive Today And More Movement Mastery....

..than yesterday?

Is that how you feel and what you have achieved? I hope so and it's my aim for myself the people i work with.

Another step in the right direction along with enjoying the process is what it's all about.

Come on - we can do way better than just burning some calories, breaking a sweat, doing a few machine supported movements, mind-wondering to the tv, music, people etc while 'exercising'!

Let's set our sites higher and get into a far more rewarding experience. When was the last time you learned a brand new movement skill or tried a brand new sport for example?

Don't go through the motions, don't do what everyone else is doing, find something you love and if necessary find someone to help you make the most of the experience! Find your fitness freedom...

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Clarity = Great Physical Results!

"Get clear on what you want" - you hear it all the time - set those goals specifically!

How about getting a little deeper and before you even worry about what you might decide would be amazing for you, ask yourself WHY? - and get as much clarity on why you are interested in creating some change. Why it's important, powerful and motivating? Why it's aligned with who you really are - or at least a big part of you?

When you get clear on your why - then you hav a pretty purposeful direction for yourself. Feel free to attach some specific goals to this also - they can be fun and provide some extra focus. But you would also be free to change direction or even fail to hit the goal and would have had a great time getting there - because you were still in touch with your WHY!

I often think people do this completely backwards. For example they hear a friend is doing a marathon, and they see lots of people out running and so they decide to run - even though they hate it and haven't prepared their body in any way for the physical stressors involved. Great recipe for giving up, injuries, and frustration!

Running here is just an example - you could insert any other activity. To extend the running example, maybe you get clear on why you want to be physically active but dismiss running for the reason that you hated it as a child. However if you gave yourself a chance to try it, maybe with some good coaching you might find you love it afterall!

Once you get clear on this stuff you can then simplify what you do and maybe eliminate some of what is wasting time when considered in light of your reasons why and your goals.

I've been spending some time getting clear on what i do and why i do what i do with the services i provide through personal training and bootcamps. It's been an interesting process and i look forward to delivering on the results.....

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Serious Week Of Movement..!

The way we run our bootcamps means that after 4 weeks of sessions we have a week inbetween to catch up with everything else.

This usually means getting some time in the evenings back but recently i was on a bit of a mission to explore some new and some old options.

Along with a slightly abbreviated normal training week, i fitted in 2 parkour classes with Parkour Generations in London, my usual game of squash, a return to a gymnastics class for the first time in several months, and we started an introduction to climbing course!!

I would have tried out a yoga session too but it was fully booked.

It was great to try out some new things and always enjoyable to take part in some sessions. Parkour movements, skills, and it's approach as a discipline are particularly compelling to me at the moment. I look forward to exploring this much more.

Here's an inspiring video!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Alignment with your values = easier results!

Following on from my last post, i've been thinking a lot about why some people find it easy to eat healthy and others struggle. This applies equally to your approach to exercise or anything else you might want to do.

I need to start with the assumption that your version of eating healthy is at least similar to mine! For example eating in a way that gives your body enough protein and fat to be satisfied and having your hormones working for you vs screaming to be fed more sugar beacause you're still on the high carb low fat rollercoaster!

Now, when it comes to a successful approach to eating i think you have to start asking yourself some big questions.

Things like who you are, what you want and why you really even care at all about being fit and healthy? Why really?

Keep digging around until you are face to face with what is truly important.

Now ask yourself the question if eating in a way that gives you the optimum physique, abundant energy and freedom from lifstyle disease is in alignment with what you discovered above.

The more you can realise this connection and make that alignment very strong, the less struggle and the more ease you will have around the whole area.

The more eating within certain guidelines is just part of who you are, the less stress and less decisions you need to make. If 90% of the time certain choices are just off your radar or not on your menu! - then the whole thing just got so much easier.

As i mentioned at the beginning, you want to be aligning your values with a correct approach to eating, otherwise you could just make any wacky celebrity diet easier to stick to!

A 'paleo' type diet is a great approach that nourishes our body in the way it needs to be fed based on our evolution.

Once your physiology is on your side, your mental game should be that much easier.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

2 Essential Ingredients - Are You Consuming Them??

Ah a nutrition post? - No!

I'm talking about passion and inspiration.

Perspiration definitely goes a long way, but it's unlikely much of that will happen over the long term unless you have an abundance of Passion and Inspiration for what you are doing!

I believe you build your physical foundations with the correct mindset and whether you have considered this much in the past or not, i'd suggest the time is now.

It's also your choice - you could think of physical activity as a necessary evil that's painful and uncomfortable, that eating the right way is somehow depriving yourself!

Many people do it this way - and then still feel bad and usually make little progress.

I've long suspected and practised a different and better way.

I suggest you find ways to immerse yourself more in what you are doing. If they seem mundane, set yourself mini challenges, ways to motivate and measure your performance. There are many movements that you can feel more mastery over if you stop and pay attention to what you are doing.

You can even learn to appreciate the enjoyment in your effort and in overcoming something challenging.

Once you put yourself on more of a journey and not simply heading for a destination, once you can enjoy the project and not just wait for the goal to arrive, then you get so much more out of the experience.

Not only that but you get to appeciate other people's achievements that much more. So often those stories or you tube video's that are most inspiring are not just something amazing being ticked off the to do list, but the struggle and investment, the highs and lows of the journey to getting there.

Tap into sources of passion and inspiration on a regular basis and it will add ease and energy to what you wish to then do.

These 2 ingredients, that many people leave entirely to chance, will nourish and sustain you like a good paleo meal!!